25 years of Street Level

As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, we held a praise night in St. Andrews Church. It was great to be able to invite as our guest speaker, our first ever full time youth worker (the now Reverend) Stewart Cutler.

Stewart’s talk took us back to the beginning of the outreach work of Street Level and how it had been an important part of his development. He also praised the work that the project continued to commit to.

We also heard from Lily, who has been coming to Street Level for just a year, and from Megan who has been a regular for 12 to 13 years, both as a young person and as a volunteer. They told their “stories” and very eloquently told how Street Level had been an influence on them and what it had meant to them.

The “storytelling” continued with our current Project Leader telling us how he became involved as a volunteer and now has been the Project Leader for over 22 years.

We were also entertained by GRACE NOTES who provided some beautiful singing to assist us in praising and thanking God for all the blessings the project has received over the past 25 years.

There was also a letter handed in from one of our young people, Caitlin (Affectionately known in Street Level as “Jammies”). She said:

“25 Years E? That number comes with great power and great responsibility. Also with unthinkable levels of love and support for, potentially, thousands of young people, none of which would be feasible without the Street Level staff, who throughout the years have shed light on the lives of many, and led the way to a path much needed by many of the young people. However, to many of us 25 will be a difficult time of our lives, what some of us call graduation day. It’s our time as adults, shaped out and taught by the best to display all the preparation and hard work put into us over the years. As we leave and carry on projecting such lessons like patience, belief and guidance to others, just like Jesus did to his followers, and like you did with us. With 2353 days to go for me, I intend to progress with your tough knowledge and life lessons to prepare me for the life ahead of me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Praise and thanks tonight would not be enough for everything you do for me and the rest of us “Your Children” Jammies xx