Posts by admin
Newsletter June 2021
Our Garden Project
We built a raised bed and got plenty of pots and planters. The young people planted seeds and bulbs and tended to these.
We were able to harvest Strawberries, Raspberries, apples, tomatoes, peas, beans, potatoes, beetroot, spring onions and carrots and we were able to enjoy some barbecue days.
Young Carers – Bowling trip
The Young Carers group had a great time at M&Ds bowling on Wed. 6th March. We were pleased to welcome two new members to the group – WELCOME Sophie and David! And congratulations to Chloe for getting the highest score 141 points.
Our Young Carers Groups meet every second Wednesday from 5 pm to 8 pm
The groups at present consist of eight young carers from across both rural and urban South Lanarkshire.
The group offers young people an opportunity of a break from their caring role for 3 hours every fortnight and chance to have a safe space to meet with other young carers, socialise and take part in a variety of activities that this often disadvantaged group would otherwise miss out on.
71st Club
Our 71st Club offers new P7’s the chance of a specific night within the centre to link with S1 pupils from their destination high school. This can help build friendships and alliances and makes the transition process smoother when the new S1 pupils will already know other pupils from their high school and local young people from other feeder primary schools. Any transition for young people can often be difficult but some funding will allow us to look at new and innovative ways to assist in the transition process.
Do you have a few hours a month to spare?
Can You Help?
The Street Level Project is seeking new volunteers to join the management committee that oversees the work of the youth project. The committee is especially keen to hear from individuals with experience or expertise in book-keeping, fund raising, communications and secretarial administration. But even if you think you have no particular skills, if you have an interest in helping Street Level to carry out its mission, we would love to hear from you. As a management group we meet once a month for ten months of the year so it’s not a huge commitment.
If you are interested – or know of someone who might be, give us a shout.