Our Supporting Churches
Street Level is supported and partially funded by six Carluke Churches...
St. Andrew’s Church of Scotland
Can You Help Fund Us?
Click on the button to download our Standing Order Gift Aid form.
Thank you so much for helping.
Our mission:
To show God’s love and extend the local churches’ care for young people by meeting their needs in Carluke and the surrounding areas.
Our vision:
To establish, develop and maintain RELATIONSHIPS with and between young people, families and the community.
To EMPOWER young people to achieve their potential.
To seek and foster productive PARTNERSHIPS that help us fulfil our mission.
To continually INVEST in our staff and volunteers, to enable them to fulfil their role effectively and promote good youth work practice.
Our values:
We value a culture of mutual respect towards all.
We focus on meeting the needs of young people.
We nurture a culture of non-discrimination based upon Christian values of love, forgiveness and acceptance.